Sunday, July 22, 2007

Basic Network Topologies

Basic Network Topologies That Are Used
These are the modern day networking topologies

Bus topology

Star topology

Ring topology

FDDI topology

Basic Network Structures

Basic Network Srtuctures

These are the 3 main network structures when considering the geographycal differences

Lan-Local Area Network

Man-Metropolyton Area Network

Wan -Wide Area Network

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Earn A Good Site Rank

Earn A Good Site Rank Even With A Single Post

Can we earn a good site rank and be at the top 10 of a search ranks easily? Are there any easy ways to earn a top rank at the early stage of a web site or a blog? Do we have to learn a lot about search engine optimization using expensive methods? This is questions that bother lots of young bloggers and web designers.

The answers to all these mind bobbling questions are “yes it can be achieved”. But how? Well.. This is one simple way to do it.

· First think of a topic that you have some knowledge about and a one that you think which is very uncommon.

· Then type that topic on a search engine and see how many search results will appear for that topic. (If the numbers of results are less then you have a better chance of getting a top rank.)

· Design the web site or the blog. Try to make it more interesting for the visitors. Use small pictures and small animations to make things that you are presenting more attractive.

· Don’t forget to put your topic (which is the keyword) as many times as you can inside the content of the web site or the blog.

· Then submit the one that you have created to popular search engines.

Then its done!... Now you will achieve a top rank in search engines.

This is one example of a success story. This “post” is written about the “isass virus”. See the results for yourself.

For the keyword "isass"

Google rank - "11"

For the keyword "isass virus"

Google rank - "4"

For the keyword "virus isass"

Google rank - "4"

For the keyword "stop virus isass"

Google rank - "4"

There are 3 number 4 ranks and one 11 th rank by doing simply these things

Monday, July 16, 2007


Isass.exe Virus

About “isass” virus

* isass.exe virus is reproducing itself and spreads

very quickly.Specially over computer networks.

How it is spreading
* isass” virus spreads from one pc to another

using computer Networks, cd , pen drives,

portable hard disks, floppy disks etc.

Isass.exe” is very small and virtually it can

hide on anything.

How to identify the virus
* If there is a subfolder inside a main folder

having the same Name of that particular folder

(if you didn’t put that Intentionally). That is

the “isass.exe” computer virus.

Size of the “isass.exe” file
* The size of this “isass” virus is a good clue to

identify it. The File size size of that particular

virus is very small. Generally range from

30-150 KB in different circumstances.

How to identify when the Virus is affected
* When a folder is double clicked, if it opens the “My

Documents” window instead of the contents in

that folder, Then your pc is infected with the

isass” virus.

How to identify whether The virus is running on Your pc
* Can’t access the Dos mode of the pc.

* Virus guard may be out of order.

* Performance of the computer will be slow.

* “windows task manager” will show that the

programme named “isass” is running on

your computer.

* You cannot access to your hard disk partitions

by just Double clicking on the icon. (instead have

to use the method (Right click-open method).

Monday, July 9, 2007

How To Stop The "isass" Virus

Get Rid Of The Menace Virus "isass" In 1 Minute

Is this virus “isass” which makes copies of itself inside the folders troubling you??? Well this is the easiest way to get rid of this menace virus. All you have to do is to follow the steps carefully that we have shown below.

* First “Right click” on the task bar on the bottom of the screen.

* Then select the process tab from the windows task manager window.

* Select the process “isass.exe”.

* Click on the end task button.

* Choose the partition where your windows operating system is installed and open it.

* Find the folder “Windows” and open it.

* Find the “system32” folder and open it.

* Scroll down and find the folder named “isass” and delete it.

* Click on the start button and select “Run” from the start menu.

* Type “regedit” and click “OK”.


* Click “edit” in the menu bar of the “Registry Editor” window.*

* Click “Find…” from the drop down menu.

* Type “isass” in the textbox as shown.

* Click on the button “Find Next”.

* Then all the registries that effects by the virus will be shown as a list.

* Clear all of them.


Now you are compleately free from the virus